Organizer: Dr. Katharina Wirnitzer, The University of Innsbruck, Austria, Prof. Clemens Drenowatz, Professor at the University of Education Upper Austria/Pädagogische Hochschule Oberösterreich, Linz, Austria, Prof. Nandu Goswami, Medical University of Graz, Austria
At the conference attended by 74 scientists from all around the world Mr. Tomas Pfeiffer gave a fifteen minute presentation on the subject of "TCIM: Biotronics as part of the comprehensive child health care, and Platform 2020 Prague", in which he acquainted the participants with the latest data from the prestigious medical databases Cochrane and PubMed, as well as from other sources. In this way the efficacy and beneficial effect of TCIM methods not only for children and adolescents were shown. A few examples of case history proving the potential of Biotronics discipline for child healing were also presented here as was the World Health Congress 2020 Prague and on its bases ensuing Platform 2020 Prague.
Examples from the presentation of Mr. Tomáš Pfeiffer
Annexe with the press release including the program prior to the holding of the event: