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Sanator – the Union of Biotronicists of Josef Zezulka ©

Professional chamber Sanator

Official website of the field of Biotronics and Josef Zezulka's philosophy of Existence


6th International Congress of Integrative Medicine, Porto, Portugal

Tomáš Pfeiffer: Integrative oncology: other options

12/6/2024 - 12/7/2024

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Good afternoon to all of you. My name is Tomas Pfeiffer, I am the Director of the Institute for TCIM/CAM and I feel honoured to have the opportunity to speak at your congress. I would also like to introduce Ms. Markéta Laciková, who will be interpreting this presentation. At the same time, I would like to thank Dr. Ana Moreira for inviting me here.

The last hundred years of intensive cancer research, despite all the achievements in extending the life expectancy of patients, have not brought full understanding of the nature of cancer pathogenesis.

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Meaningful comprehensive cancer prevention programmes almost do not exist - as evidenced by the fact that cancer incidence is currently on the rise.

Conventional medicine focuses almost exclusively on the destruction of the cancer cell, which it sees as the cause of the disease.

However, removal of the tumour is only a salvage treatment, not a causal treatment, and therefore, unfortunately, successful treatment is often followed by recurrence. It is difficult to find understanding of the nature of the cancer process in the body of knowledge from different perspectives. This may also be due to the fact that we are looking in a place where the basic solution is not found.

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Now I will present a new view of the tumour process based on the findings of Biotronics, a new field of energy therapy founded in Prague by Josef Zezulka.

  1. A tumour cell is not a cause in itself, it is the result of a complex disease often arising long before the first tumour cell. Let's think about the malignant reversal of a healthy cell.
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  2. The common characteristics of the cells of different types of tumours justify why we can assume that there are not dozens of types of malignancies but only one process affecting any one cell of the body.

A tumour cell has the following criteria:

  • A fundamental change in the morphology of the cell
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  • The mechanisms controlling the growth and metabolism of the cell are disturbed, the cell does not engage meaningfully in bodily processes.

  • The formation of an uncontrolled, chaotic vascular supply eventually leads to tumour disintegration due to ischemia with often inflammatory and toxic consequences for the organism.

  • Tumour cells often grow several times faster than healthy cells, this drains the body's resources, hence fatigue and weight loss in some patients.

  • In contrast to healthy tissue, the bond between cells is weakened, so tumour cells are more easily detached and travel by blood or lymphatic channels, forming a metastatic process without growth control.

  • The tumour cell is a typical parasite-deserter that uses the body's resources but contributes nothing to the body. It originates from the body's genome, therefore it is not registered by the body as a foreign tissue and is often not visible to the immune system.

  • The behaviour of a tumour cell is determined by its type and location, not by the body's regulatory mechanisms to which it does not respond.

Now we need to ask an important question:

What leads to a malignant reversal?

The first and main factor is the presence of a carcinogen - a cellular poison of a chemical nature, acting on the nucleus of the cell, which it reprograms. At the point when the body's main detoxification organ of chemical balance, the liver, fails or is overloaded, the nano level of carcinogen in the body rises.

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In addition, various substances and influences further synergize in its transfer across the membrane into the nucleus of the cell, for example, alcohol, microwave radiation, radiation, overall weakening of the body, genetic factors, any irritation and other stresses. What has recently attracted a lot of attention is the WHO research demonstrating that processed and red meat is carcinogenic.

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Carcinogens can be divided into primary and secondary carcinogens:

  1. Primary carcinogens, which are cellular poisons, typically tar, benzoic nuclei, and others. After tumour formation, even minute amounts of these substances are toxic. Now let me show you an anti-carcinogenic diet developed by Josef Zezulka in Prague. Therefore, an anticarcinogenic diet is necessary for treatment. It is not a curative diet but a sparing diet, it does not cure itself but conditions the treatment.
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  2. Secondary carcinogens, which are not chemically active but accelerate the metabolic activity of the cell by irritating it, increasing the concentration of the carcinogen. A typical example is asbestos, where chemically neutral needles of the mineral irritate the cell, which then accelerates the uptake of the primary chemical carcinogen. In other cases, parasitic, viral, fungal or bacterial infection is the locus of tumour formation, in which case it is also predominantly a secondary carcinogen. Any inflammation, any irritation of a healthy cell, typically by solar radiation, non-carcinogenic chemicals, etc., under the condition of impaired morphogenetic centres and detoxification function of the liver, may also lead to tumour formation.
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The second important factor in tumour formation is damage to the morphological centres of the body situated in the brain, which, in addition to the genome, are responsible for the shape and location of cells in tissues. Damage to these centres signals the presence of benign neoplasms, keloids resulting from trauma, faulty cell differentiation, etc. This condition can be termed precancer which are normal cells in the wrong amount in the wrong place.

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Biotronic intervention in tumour processes

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After 1945, Josef Zezulka formulated the field called Biotronics in Prague. It is based on the intervention of biological forces transmitted by the therapist. He described the tumour process and the method of acting on its causes. In the most difficult conditions, he repeatedly achieved remarkable results in the field of oncology and many other diagnoses. Every experience is significant to our knowledge if it goes beyond ordinary clinical experience.

A few case reports support this message:

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We are close to Portuguese Fatima, a place of miracles. The following documented case report belongs here.

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The practical results of biotronics suggest the correctness of understanding the tumour process as a degradation of the function of the liver and the morphological centres of the brain in terms of biological forces. In practical treatment, it represents a new procedure not yet explored in medicine that awaits serious interest from oncologists.

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Our ancestors called cancer morbus Prometheus. The moment people start using fire, they put a strain on their livers. As mentioned before, it is the impairment of the detoxification function of the liver that is one of the causes of cancer. Excessive pyretic changes in the diet are to blame. The symbol of the eagle destroying the liver of Prometheus is ingenious.

Let me conclude by saying thank you to Dr. Ana Moreira for organising this extraordinary congress, and at the same time, I would like to thank you for your attention. Have a nice evening.

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