People's experience with biotronics
What is my experience with biotronics? Only good.
In 2008, I prolapsed my invertebral disc. I could not walk properly, the nerves on my leg had got injured.
After a week at Mr. Pfeiffer’s place, my physiotherapist asked me: ”What have you been doing?” Such strong was the response of the rebox which had not reacted to my leg before. This meant that it can’t have been any placebo effect or mere suggestion that I was feeling better. My doctor who I informed about Mr. Pfeiffer’s treatment would repeatedly send me to him with words: When are you going to see Mr. Pfeiffer again? However, I only went to see him this spring when my health problems made me do so. They had started with mild pains in winter and after visits to doctors and physiotherapy, my condition deteriorated to such a state that I was not able to walk properly. Immediately after biotronic healing, my friend, who normally does not believe in such things, told me: “I must admit that you can walk very well. Unfortunately, there is just one Pfeiffer. However, when man can see which illnesses he heals in his clinic, man says to himself that he should help himself with such a small problem which a prolapsed invertebral disc is because there are so many ill people who need Mr. Pfeiffer’s help. Therefore, I would like to help him this way for everything he does.
I started having problems with my carpal tunnels. Pains, spasm, pins and needles were unbearable, especially at night. Then all of a sudden, these problems ceased. I could not explain this. Then at the lecture on 5th October 2015 a question about the biotronic treatment of this condition was asked and I suddenly understood. I regularly participate in Saturday’s healing sessions at distance. It is a miracle, I do not know how to thank but I thank you very much.
As regards healing at distance itself, something astonishing always happens, Mr. Pfeiffer appears in the photography having different appearances, the photo is often surrounded in a golden shine which spreads far in the room where I sit. Once I experienced an unbelievable feeling as if some power was opening my chest. Sometimes I get an energy hit on my solar plexus when healing starts. I always perceive healing physically. I do not seek these feelings but they always come themselves.
I am very grateful for this opportunity and thank you very much.
Yours sincerely,
Dear Mr. Pfeiffer,
On 5th October, at the lecture on TV Biovid a question about carpal tunnels was asked. Let me share my experience. I suffered from this condition for three years, especially at night when I had spasm in my hands or I did not feel them at all as if they were dead. I noticed that the problem always got worse when I had had a sausage for dinner. Once I even spent most of the night walking, shaking my hands, thinking that they would never come to life again. Two years ago, I stopped eating meat (thanks to you) and my health problem disappeared very quickly. I even did not realize this until the yesterday’s lecture.
I hope my experience will also help somebody else.
I wish you peace for your further uneasy work,
Best regards,
Hallo, I have not had the opportunity to try biotronic healing but I would like to experience the spiritual treatment. I kindly ask for keeping and developing this branch for those in need.
Hallo, I was able to attend Mr. Pfeiffer’s lectures regularly for many years and I underwent a biotronic therapy lasting for a week after having been hospitalized for infectious mononucleosis for a fortnight. During those about 10 years my health was completely alright, I even managed a job which was demanding both physically and mentally, I did not need antibiotics I was not on sickness leave. After my daughter’s birth, I have not been able to participate in the lectures, my sickness rate has deteriorated significantly, I have had to fight with viral infections, which have had such a course I had never experienced before, a few times a year. Nowadays, I have to visit an endocrinologist, immunologist,…
I think that biotronic healing is very beneficial and efficient and I hope that in the future I will be able to participate in healing sessions.
I wish Mr. Pfeiffer a lot of strength in his work and I also thank him for his words which have moved me much further in my life than I would ever been able to get myself.
Best regards,
I have been an oncological patient for 10 years. Thanks to Mr. Pfeiffer’s repeated biotronic healing I am able to fight my illness and my last laboratory results as well as the examination by the positron emission tomography are optimistic. Thanks to the biotronic healing which gave me the necessary energy I was able to bear surgeries, chemotherapy and radiotherapy. I am very grateful for the opportunity to be healed biotronically and I wish other people in need also had this opportunity.
Hallo, I really appreciate the curative effect of the Aquarius Bell and I think that a visit to your concert is very beneficial, calming, strengthening. I often play the CD of the Aquarius Bell during your biotronic healing and I think that this combination strengthens me very much. Thank you very much. Best regards,
Hallo, I would like to share two recent positive pieces of experience with the biotronist Tomáš Pfeiffer. In November 2014 I fell ill with meningitis and suffered from ceaseless very sharp headache for many days. Even strong painkillers in big doses did not help enough, I was not able to fall asleep. Three weeks after that I was healed at distance. I perceived the biotronist’s “presence” nearly physically. The pain was immediately relieved. I recovered after the second healing therapy and after another week I went to work again.
In February 2015 I had a complicated fracture of my lower limb. An extensive thrombosis both of the deep and superficial vein system developed, followed by pulmonary embolism and unpleasant irritating cough. When I had been diagnosed with pulmonary embolism, I was healed at distance which I fully clearly perceived like very intense warmth in my lung. When I woke up in the morning, I did not feel any unpleasant pressure in my lung any longer and I did not have a cough any more.
Thank you very much for everything.
Hallo, on Saturday 20th June I had a bad cold which had started already in the morning, in the evening I felt exhausted. Then I went to your lecture and during your healing the cold relieved and a few minutes after it, it disappeared completely. Thank you very much, it was great! Best regards,
I would like to share our experience with biotronic healing.
Our daughter fell ill with haemolytic – uremic syndrome at the age of 8 months and her kidneys failed and her state was very serious. Her 5-kilo body was being kept in artificial sleep, her kidneys were not working and we small people had nothing in our hands to help but a prayer. Anetka, of whom a lot of hoses were sticking out, was surrounded by medical staff and a gorgeous doctor who was both a professional in his branch and a very good man. Despite their care nobody knew whether they would be able to save her life and whether her kidneys would start working again. Here man could see how small we humans are and how much we depend on something much higher than himself. On the ninth day when my wife and I had been taking turns to sit next to our daughter’s cot, drops in the drain sack appeared. It was a sign that her kidneys were starting working. Just briefly then. She had overcome the critical moment, her kidneys started again, however, they were badly affected. Since then the structure of her kidneys was bad (their surface looked as if it was covered with craters), there were blood in her urine, proteinuria and other blood problems which I cannot specify, not having the professional knowledge, and the size of one of the kidneys was below the average.
She was already expected to grow with this diagnosis and we were informed several times that those were irreversible damages. At her age of 3 we returned to the Czech Republic (Anetka had been born in Ireland) and it did not take long and the journey of fate connected us with Mr. Pfeiffer. She underwent biotronic healing in Prague three times and check-ups at the nephrology ward were to follow. Since then, we got used to the same, not very good results (sono, blood and urine). However, a change happened that year. The sono examination proved that her kidneys were absolutely alright, they had beautiful smooth structure and their size was already adequate to her age and body. Several following examinations have stated that she has had no blood in her urine anymore and the results of her blood tests were perfect, absolutely alright. To stay completely objective, I report that only very slight proteinuria (protein in urine) has remained and we have been informed that her kidneys and their function are absolutely alright.
Finally, I only wish people would become wiser, they would study biotronics scientifically so that it will have a lawful position beside medicine, these branches will complement each other, cooperate and their curative effects will be multiplied by this cooperation. Both medicine and biotronics have their own areas. The numerous ill, for whom medicine itself does not have a solution at the moment, could be helped this way.
On 30th March 1945, Mr. Josef Zezulka lit an imaginary torch of philosophy for life – existence (byti) whose inseparable part is biotronic, spiritual healing. At the end of his life, he passed this “torch“on his disciple, biotronist Tomáš Pfeiffer who has been carrying it unflaggingly, selflessly and bravely for the future generations since then. It only depends on us – people whether we help Mr. Pfeiffer on this journey or whether we will cause him problems. We would only cut off the branch on which we are sitting ourselves by doing so.
Let me conclude by thanking Mr. Pfeiffer for his willingness to be such an instrument and we will thank the God by our feats rather than mere words.