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Sanator – the Union of Biotronicists of Josef Zezulka ©

Professional chamber Sanator

Official website of the field of Biotronics and Josef Zezulka's philosophy of Existence


Resarch of Biotronics


In 1982, the psychoenergetic laboratory of the former Minister of Education, professor Kahuda, carried out research in cooperation with the hospital in Vimperk, where the results of Mr Josef Zezulka’s healing were observed in two terms.

Especially, one of the patients healed by Mr J.Z. became the center of attention of the doctors from all the surroundings, even obstetricians came to see him. And they had a good reason to. As you will see from the documentation provided and signed by a doctor from the hospital in Vimperk - Dr Pekárek – and Dr Martínková, who worked for the psychoenergetic laboratory and led the research there, having been authorized to do so by professor Kahuda in person.
According to the documentation, the patient was dying of a stomach tumor. The excretory duct from the large intestine was made for him so that stools could pass from his body. At that time, the patient was already completely exhausted.
Having begun the treatment, the patient started recovering very quickly; he began walking again, the excretory duct closed itself without any operation and stools started passing naturally via the rectum. There is only one expression for this – a miracle. After the first period of treatment, the patient left the ward fully recovered. Only a specialist can judge what a success it was.
The treatment of other Mr J.Z.’ patients also brought remarkable results as you can see from the documentation.
Here, you can see some reports from the hospital in Vimperk. We must take into consideration that the results stated there were achieved during a very short period often with diagnosis lasting even for years. From this perspective, these are often remarkable results.

Research schema

Research schema

Psycho-energetic laboratory of Prof. Kahuda

Research Manager
Mrs. Jitka Martínková, MD

Josef Zezulka

Treatment Method
Josef Zezulka Biotronics

Clinical Settings
The ward of internal medicine in the Vimperk hospital

Set of Patients
20 (14 assessed)

Diagnoses in the Set
Partially diseases based on bioenergetic insufficiency and those in which no unequivocal effect was presumed, i.e. cardiac and hypertonic patiens.

27/12/1981 – 03/01/1982 and 01/03/1982 – 08/03/1982

The reasearch task was discontinued prematurely due to political disfavour.

Results Assessment
Mr. Fr. Pekárek, MD and Mrs. Jitka Martínková, MD

Evidence of positive findings – see the Research Reports and the Final Report of Mrs. Martínková, MD.

Demonstration of research reports

No. 1, Year of birth: 1911, Gender: Female
Diagnosis: Coksarthosa 1.sin., ulcus cruris 1.dx.
Conditions prior to biotronic treatment by JZ: Long-term excruciating pains in joints and in the torpid ulcer on her right shank. Able to walk only with the support of two crutches.
Biotronic treatment in days: 6
Therapeutic effect according to protocol records (summary): good sleep, the ulcer painful, on bottom of the ulcer new fresh granulations, the joints have relieved significantly and painful only when walking, uses only one crutch.
Conclusion of evaluating physicians: The improvement of the patient’s condition is provable and apparent both subjectively and objectively.

No. 2, Year of birth: 1940, Gender: Female
Diagnosis: Hypertension II. Ischemic changes of the heart Chronic pancreatitis
Conditions prior to biotronic treatment by JZ: Diarrhea and headaches
Biotronic treatment in days: 6
Therapeutic effect according to protocol records (summary): the headache ceased, the stool was normal again, feels significantly calmer and fresh
Conclusion of evaluating physicians: The health problems have been subsiding gradually by the influence of bioenergetic healing.

No. 3, Year of birth: 1956, Gender: Female
Diagnosis: Asthma bronchiale, spastic bronchitis
Conditions prior to biotronic treatment by JZ: Suffering from asthma bronchiale from the age of 2.5. Frequent hospitalisation, complications with pneumonia. Seizures once a month (for 3-5 days) from the age of 2.5. Pharmacotherapy without any effect.
Biotronic treatment in days: 4
Therapeutic effect according to protocol records (summary): immediate effect: atypical long sleep, concentrating on activities, calm, without complications, able to walk, overall calming (both somatic and psychic)
Conclusion of evaluating physicians: The benefitial effect of biotronic healing is provable both subjectively and objectively.

No. 4, Year of birth: 1951, Gender: Female
Diagnosis: Collitis ulcerosa
Conditions prior to biotronic treatment by JZ: 4 years of severe ulcerative colitis, biopsy confirmation. Permanent diarrhea. Leg swelling.
Biotronic treatment in days: 6
Therapeutic effect according to protocol records (summary): perceives a clear heat from the healer's hands during healing, diarrhea and flatulence ceased, feels calm, strong and fresh, mentally stabilized
Conclusion of evaluating physicians: The benefitial effect of biotronic healing provable both subjectively and objectively.

No. 5, Year of birth: 1916, Gender: Female
Diagnosis: Progressive polyarthritis
Conditions prior to biotronic treatment by JZ: Long-term pharmacotherapy without any effect. Moves on a wheelchair or with difficulties on her own.
Biotronic treatment in days: 6
Therapeutic effect according to protocol records (summary): good sleep, the pain ceased, walks without crutches (indoors)
Conclusion of evaluating physicians: The influence of biotronic healing was significantly positive, provable both subjectively and objectively.

No. 6, Year of birth: 1943, Gender: Male
Diagnosis: CA ventriculi
Conditions prior to biotronic treatment by JZ: A stomach carcinoma, the state after colostomy. The patient is exhausted, complains about diarrhea, stomachache, has not got any appetite, sleeps badly.
Biotronic treatment in days: 7 (first healing series), 5 (second healing series)
Therapeutic effect according to protocol records (summary): calm and good sleep, the pain ceased, the diarrhea ceased, feels fresh, good apetite, quick improvement in the overall state, colostomy: quick epithelization during the therapy and the stool is leaving the body through rectum again; after 7 days of biotronic healing the colostomy has closed. (first healing series), the appetite improves, the diarrhea ceased, feels fresh (second healing series)
Conclusion of evaluating physicians: Temporary improvement during healing, the definitive evaluation will be given after the end of the therapy.

No. 7, Year of birth: 1971, Gender: Female
Diagnosis: Perinatal encephalopathy, CP
Conditions prior to biotronic treatment by JZ: Pains in knees and hands. Rigidity in her limbs. Her motor activity is very weak. Not able to walk without support.
Biotronic treatment in days: 5
Therapeutic effect according to protocol records (summary): good sleep, feels relaxed both mentally and motor-wise, unusually active, moving her legs spontaneously, good recovery progress concerning both the motor activity and the mental state.
Conclusion of evaluating physicians: Significant positive influence of bioenergetic healing

No. 8, Year of birth: 1926, Gender: Female
Diagnosis: Chronic bronchitis
Conditions prior to biotronic treatment by JZ: Preasure in the heart area. Breathing problems.
Biotronic treatment in days: 6
Therapeutic effect according to protocol records (summary): feels fresh and calm, good sleep, the breathing problems ceased, the preasure in the heart area ceased.
Conclusion of evaluating physicians: A favourable effect of biotronic healing has been proved.

No. 9, Year of birth: 1910, Gender: Female
Diagnosis: Susp. Thyroid carcinoma
Conditions prior to biotronic treatment by JZ: n/a
Biotronic treatment in days: 3
Therapeutic effect according to protocol records (summary): - perceived healing like a warm radiation, a salty saliva feeling, changed colour vision, intense pain in cervical nodes
Conclusion of evaluating physicians: It is not possible to evaluate the results of the healing therapy for its transience.

CA VENTRICULI – Detailed Report

Patient condition prior to the commencement of the biotronic treatment by JZ
A stomach carcinoma, the state after colostomy. The patient is exhausted, complains about diarrhoea, stomachache, has not got any appetite, sleeps badly.

The first series of treatment – development after biotronic interventions during 7 days
28/12/1981 The patient slept calmly after the first healing, on the second day, diarrhoea ceased. He is still very tired. His pains are continuing.
29/12/1981 Diarrhoea is relieved, the patient slept well, in the evening, he felt pressure in the area around the orifice.
30/12/1981 Feels hungry for the first time, tiredness is disappearing, his pains are being relieved as well
31/12/1981 The patient feels overall fresh, tiredness has disappeared, his appetite has improved significantly, his pains are being relieved
01/01/1982 Diarrhoeahas ceased completely, the overalstate in improving quickly. There are signs of the fast epithelization of the after-surgery wound.
02/01/1982 The epithelization of the colostomy is continuing quickly, the orifice is practically closed, the stool is leaving the body through rectum again.
03/01/1982 Subjectively, the patient is without any problems, his tiredness has disappeared, he feels fresh, walks, the colostomy has closed

This series of healing has finished, the second one starts on 02/03/1982.

In between the series, the patient's conditition deteriorated significantly*. The pacientis cachectic, has strong pains, vomits, not able to eat. Necessary to proceed to a surgery – anastomosis.

* The patient was found to have significantly neglected the requested diet (see the Anticarcinogen Diet). Without the proper diet the tumors can be healed only with great difficulties, and relapse usually occurs. However, the diet alone cannot heal the tumors at all, however, the success of the treatment is conditional thereon. As with allergy, the carcinogen needs to be removed from the patient's reach during treatment.

The second series of treatment – development after biotronic interventions during 5 days
02/03/1982 Perceives radiation during healing, feels very tired, diarrhoea, bad apetite.
03/03/1982 Diarrhoea has ceased, the patient slept well.
04/03/1982 Appetite improved, the patient had diarrhoea after milk.
05/03/1982 Feels quite fresh after healing, slept in the afternoon. Diarrhoea has ceased again. The scar in the middle area is partly open. He perceived radiation markedly even through his pyjamas.
06/03/1982 Appetite still improving, feels gradually fresher and fresher.
Further healing therapy has been discontinued.

Conclusion of Mrs. Martínková, MD:
Temporary improvement during healing, the definitive evaluation to be given after the end of the therapy.

Key message:
The artificial duct in the abdominal cavity (colostomy) healed up spontaneously - without surgery.
The intestine became reconnected and the stool is leaving the body naturally through rectum.
Biotronic interventions for 7 days shift the terminal state (stomach tumor) to a state of overall revitalization.
The essential effect through the non-invasive method that exceeds the existing knowledge.
Necessary to follow the Anti-carcinogen diet.

Final report from Mrs. Martínková, MD – basic facts

Set of Patients
20 (14 evaluated, 2 inconclusive, 4 therapy discontinued prematurely)

27/12/1981 – 3/1/1982 and 1/3/1982 – 7/3/1982

Treatment Results
Despite extremely unfavourable conditions concerning the restricted group of patients and restricted period of research, the results are provable and evaluable.

Clinical Analyses
Urine examination by the method of Dr Dolejší’s palmetto test.
Blood tests in the solution of CuC2.
Observation of FW in the two groups of patients’ blood samples.
Experiments mainly in the blood tests and erythrocyte sedimentation led to surprising and promising findings which are worth consideration and further verification.

Strong conviction that bioenergy exits and has a healing effect.
The call for development, further research and appropriate integration of the branch.

Key message:
Biotronic treatment over a short period of time has often remarkable results in long-standing diagnoses.
Provable and evaluable despite the limited frequency of biotronic interventions.
Non-invasive treatment and zero side effects.
The reliability of the results guaranteed by professional supervision.
Testimonial on biotronic treatment effectivenes by the medical practitioner.
The call by the medical practitioner for proper research and integration of Biotronics.


Academician Jaroslav Kožešník
The chairmain of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences
A call for the creation of suitable working conditions in order to develop the scientific branch being bioenergetic therapy as an activity that serves to the interest of the public.

PhDr. Zdeněk Rejdák, Doc. Dr. Jaroslav Suchý, CSc, Doc. Dr. Jiří Cvekl, CSc
The coordination group for research of psychotronic
Confirmation of the compentence to influence some conditions favourably or reverse them completely without interfering disturbingly.
The call for the support of research and creation of conditions in order to be fully involved in the branch, which is in the interest of scientific knowledge and human health.

Doc. Dr. Jaroslav Suchý, CSc
Vice-Dean for Scientific Studies, Faculty of Education, Charles University
Recommendation to support the activities concerning the the field of bioenergetic therapy, referring to the letter from the Docent, doctor V. M. Inusin.

Jarmila Chládková, MD
Institute for Higher Nervous Activity
A successful experiment demonstrating the penetration of biotronic energy through any matter (lead shielding).
Confirmation of the transmission to any distance.
Treatment testimonial - pulmonary metastases.
Confirmation of zero side effect.

Jarmila Chládková, MD
Specialised dental practitioner
Treatment testimonial - lumboischiadic syndrome.
Treatment testimonial - inflammatory symptoms in appendicitis.
Treatment testimonial - hay fever.
Treatment testimonial - rabbit inflammation.
Acknowledgment of selflessness in providing treatment.

Prof. Vl. Hlaváček, MD
Chief of the ENT Clinic at Královské Vinohrady University Hospital
Treatment testimonial - lung cancer.
The call for scientific research.

Prof. Dr Vladimír Chládek, Dr.Sc.
Oto-laryngological clinic of the Hygienic Faculty in Prague 10
Treatment testimonial - malignant lymfogranuloma
Treatment testimonial - left lung tumor infiltration with large metastases
Supports the Coordination Group members to carry out psychotronics research.

Libuše Holasová, MD
I. Maternity Clinic
Treatment testimonial – sclerosis multiplex

Ladislav Rosa, MD
II. Department of Internal Medicine LFH KU
Treatment Testimonial – Pain relief in bronchogenic carcinoma with multiple metastasis in his bones and pathological fractures.

Miroslav Pekárek, MD
Regional Institute of National Healthcare, Prague 5, Oncological Ward
Biotronic healing does not interfere intrusively with the medical treatment.
Biotronic healing recognized as a suitable complement to the medical treatment and improves the prospect of another surgery (by encapsulating the tumour).
Treatment testimonial

Alois Pokorný, MD
The Institute of National Health of the City of Prague
Inviation to the meeting with physicians to present the treament method.

Doc. Dr. Jaroslav Suchý, CSc
Vice-Dean for Scientific Studies, Faculty of Education, Charles University
Request addressed to the Minister of Health in support of the sanator branch to be scientifically explored and developed in talents for the welfare of society.

Josef Dubský, MD
The Director of the Department of the Research of Healthcare and Technology, Ministry of Health
A promise to provide proper conditions for research (was not realised due to political reasons - change of government and the onset of normalization).

Lubomír Oliva, MD
Head physician, Intenal medicine
Treatment testimonial – Oncological diseases.
